The Sewer Division consists of the sewer system located within the City. The expenses of the Division are fully funded by revenue from user fees.
Sewer Service Questions
For service to a parcel within the City’s boundary lines:
- With an existing/new connection, please contact the Utility Department at 509.248.0434.
- Without an existing connection or uncertain of sewer availability, please contact the Public Works Administration Office at 509.225.3524.
What To Do If There Is A Sewer Backup
If you experience a sewer backup, follow these directions promptly.
- If a dishwasher, washing machine, shower, bathtub, toilet or other water fixture is operating, shut all off immediately.
- Call the Public Works Department immediately; 509.225.3524, 509.248.0434, 509.248.0432 during business hours OR call 509.248.0430 after-hours & holidays.
- The City’s Wastewater crew will check to make sure the City’s main lines are not plugged, therefore saving you the cost of calling a plumber.
When a blockage in the sewer main occurs our Wastewater crew will handle the problem; if the blockage is in the property owner’s side service the City crew will inform the property owner and/or tenant immediately and the owner and/or tenant may elect at that time to contact a plumber to clear the blockage at their own expense.
If you incur property damage and the sewer back-up was in the City main line please contact the Finance & Administration Department at 509.248.0432 for further assistance.
New Sewer Connection
To connect to the City’s sewer system, a completed application is required with full payment due prior to any connection. Please contact the Utility Department, at 509.248.0434, if you have any questions regarding a new connection.
Exhibit 1 Sewer Benefit Area A
Exhibit 2 Sewer Benefit Area B
Exhibit 3 Pioneer Street Sewer Stub
Sewer Collection Maps
For information regarding Sewer rates, please click the link below.
Sewer Developer Standards
Sewer Developer Standards 1 of 2
Sewer Developer Standards 2 of 2
Do Not Flush
There is some confusion of what the “Do Not Flush” list looks like?
It’s much easier to tell you what you should flush, than what you shouldn’t! The only things you should EVER flush down the toilet are: Toilet Paper, Urine and Fecal Matter. Unfortunately, people often think it is okay to flush items, which belong on the “Do Not Flush” list, because the packaging may have the words “flushable”, “disposable”, etc. and that adds to the confusion. Those items actually should NOT be flushed down the toilet but placed in your garbage container. Click on the following link Do Not Flush Flyer for more information.
Sewer Operation & Maintenance
Never put any of the following materials into sinks, toilets or drains:
- Glass, metal, wood, seafood shells
- Diapers, socks, rags or cloth of any kind
- Plastic objects (toys, eating utensils, etc.)
- Any strong chemical, toxic, caustic, or poisonous substance
- Degreasing solvents
- Any explosive or flammable material
- Gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, paint thinner or antifreeze
- Lubricating oil or grease
- Cooking fat (lard, oil, grease)
- Hair clippings
These materials may clog your home system or create unsafe conditions in your lines, thus causing additional expense to all involved.
Wastewater Information
Wastewater Pre-Treatment Ordinance No. 2565 Part 1 of 2
Wastewater Pre-Treatment Ordinance No. 2565 Part 2 of 2
Wastewater Pre-Treatment Ordinance No. 2717
Hand-Out; F.O.G. Fat Oil Grease Hand-Out