Welcome ~ from Jason Cavanaugh, Director of Public Works & Community Development!
The Community Development Department is responsible in assisting the citizens and property owners in creating and maintaining a safe, healthy, and economically thriving community. In order to achieve this task, the Department oversees three areas of the community including Building, Code Enforcement, and Planning. Our goal is to provide a timely and professional response to all citizen inquiries.
We are located at 102 West Ahtanum Road. We will be building our web page over a period of time so please check back with us. Please feel free to contact us at 575.3638 if you have any questions, comments or would like to schedule an inspections.
Homeowner Rehabilitation Loan Program
The HOMEowner Rehabilitation Loan Program provides a partial grant and 0% interest loans to low and moderate income homeowners for rehabilitation / repair work to remedy health, life, and safety concerns, structural defects, energy conservation and weatherization to bring the whole house to current minimum property code standards. For more information please contact the Community Development Department at 575.3638 or click on the following link https://www.yakimacounty.us/1424/Homeowner-Rehabilitation-Loans
We want to hear from you!
Submit your comments and ideas!
Our Community Development Department website is here for you and your informational purposes. We want to provide excellent customer service, which will meet your needs; please let us know if we can assist in improving it for you.