The Street Division strives to provide the highest level of service and maintenance on local access roads, as well as major arterials, so that motorist have access to safe, functional roadways at the lowest possible cost. Cost effective planning, design and implementation of services necessary, to maintain and enhance the safety and efficiency of the City’s roadways, bridges and traffic control facilities, provide for economic growth and vitality as well as for the traveling public. The Street Division strives to enhance the appearance of the community, and to ensure a safe, well maintained street system that provides for effective access to all parts of the community.
Flagger Safety Zone
Our Public Works crews are always in several different areas around the City to complete necessary repairs and improvements. Please remember, when you are going through an area with temporary traffic control, to obey all signs and instructions from the flaggers. Driving safely will help protect our Public Works crew as well as other individuals in the area.
Street Light Outages
Please report, to , any / all streetlight outages once you notice they are not functioning properly. To help expedite the repairs, please provide the following information:
1. Street address closest to the non-functioning streetlight
2. The six digit pole number, which is located on the orange metal plate attached to the pole
3. A description of the problem (i.e. outage, flickering, remains on, etc.)
Paving / Stormwater Permit
A paving / stormwater permit application (below) is required for all proposed work within City of Union Gap’s Right-of-Way. Each application MUST include the following documents:
- Application; and
- Computer-aided design (CAD) drawings; and
- Traffic control plan (TCP)D
Please submit all of the above documents to for processing.
You will be contacted once the permit application has been approved and/or if additional information is required. After review, you will be contacted regarding payment processing and will receive an email confirmation with an approved permit attached. The turn-around time is approximately two (2) weeks, depending on the detail of the documents.
Paving Stormwater Permit Application
Paving / Stormwater Permit Application Grid
Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts
Seasonal weekday factors were applied to single day weekday traffic counts to convert to average annual daily traffic (AADT).
Traffic Counts 2016

Snow & Ice Control Plan
The Director of Public Works & Community Development will decide when to begin snow and /or ice control operations using the following criteria based on public safety.
Snow plowing and removal:
- Snowfall and accumulation
- Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel
- Time of snowfall in relationship to heavy use of streets
Ice control and sanding:
- Icy conditions which seriously effect travel Freezing rain or snowfall, etc.
- Ice control operations (sanding) will commence when and where icy conditions occur
Snow plowing operations will not generally be conducted for snowfall of less than three (3) inches. When snow accumulation reaches approximately three (3) inches, or more, snow removal operations will begin based on the public safety criteria.
The Director, and the Police Department, may close a roadway as a result of hazardous snow and / or icy conditions. Barricading and signing, for road closures, shall be done in accordance with the “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices” (MUTCD).
More information can be found in the Snow Removal & Ice Control Plan as well as Ordinance 2850 – Street & Sidewalks