
The Parks Division maintains four (4) City parks – Loudon, Cahalan, Fullbright, and the Youth Activities Park; as well as 1.5 miles of pedestrian pathway, and several associated greenway spaces throughout the City.

All Parks combined are approximately one hundred and thirty (130) acres of developed area. Fullbright Park has approximately fifty (50) acres for additional future expansion.

The Youth Activities Park (YAP) is seventy-four (74) acres, offering two (2) rental buildings, the Senior Center, numerous picnic areas, and shelters.  Loudon, Fullbright, and the Youth Activities Park all have playground equipment.

Park maintenance provides for the development and maintenance of the City’s parks, greenway space, recreation facility grounds, athletic fields, and other City owned property in order to aesthetically reflect community identity, enrich the quality of life, and provide accessible and safe open space for leisure time activities.

Park and Building Reservation Fees

Ahtanum Youth Activities Park

Fullbright Park

For a shelter, north field, or picnic area reservation, click the button below.

ALL Building & Picnic Site Reservations – 509.248.0432

Please call or visit us at 102 West Ahtanum Road – Union Gap WA, 98903

For more information regarding building rental information please click on the following link:

Free Parking Passes

Parking passes for the Youth Activities Park are available, free of charge, for Union Gap residents. Please bring your drivers license or proof of residency into City Hall to receive your pass. One pass per household, valid for one year from the date of issuance.

Adopt-A-Park Program

The City has an Adopt-A-Park Program for people of all ages!  The purpose of this program is to get people involved with beautifying the communities park, which should decrease vandalism, improve park safety / security, and increase community pride in our parks!  Please Adopt-A-Park today – you can give as much time to this program as YOU want.  Please fill out one form per person and return it to City Hall.

Adopt a Park Program Form English

Adopt a Park Program Form Spanish

Master Gardeners (WSU Yakima County)

WSU Yakima County Master Gardeners have a Demonstration garden and a Heirloom garden at the Ahtanum Youth Activities Park.  Both gardens are teaching gardens with classes held during the spring, summer and fall seasons.  WSU Yakima County Master Gardeners have a greenhouse, which allows members to propagate plants from seed or cuttings to be sold at the annual plant sale (open to the public) in order to raise income to support the program.  To find out more about the WSU Yakima County Master Gardeners program – please go to:

Non-Reservation Parks

Loudon Park

3607 4th Street
Union Gap, WA 98903

Amenities include:
  • Community Park
  • Tennis and Basketball Courts
  • Picnic Areas
  • Playground Area

Cahalan Park

2100 South 18th Street
Union Gap, WA 98903

Amenities include:
  • 6.6 Acre Community Park
  • Picnic Areas
  • Skateboard Park
  • Baseball Field
  • Adjacent to the Valley Mall Shopping Center
