Planning Commission

Planning Commission Members

Planning Commission Members

Position #1:  Commissioner Aubrey Reeves

Position #2:  Commissioner 

Position #3:  Commissioner Lorena Fernandez

Position #4:  Commissioner 

Position #5:  Chairman Michael Moore

Planning Commission Vacancy

The City is seeking an interested citizen to serve on the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is a board that meets to hear land-use applications and proposed code amendments and makes recommendations to the City Council for related ordinances. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

If you are interested, please send a letter of interest to: Lynette Bisconer, P.O. Box 3008, Union Gap, WA  98903

Planning Commission Meetings

The City of Union Gap Planning Commission Regular Meetings are scheduled on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month in the City Council Chambers at 6:00 pm unless otherwise posted. Please review our events calendar for details.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 4-23-13

Meeting Minutes 5-29-13

Meeting Minutes 6-25-13

Meeting Minutes 7-23-13

Meeting Minutes 9-24-13

Meeting Minutes 10-29-13

Meeting Minutes 12-17-13

Meeting Minutes 1-28-14

Meeting Minutes 2-4-14

Meeting Minutes 2-25-14

I-502 Draft Ordinance & Maps

Below you will find the I-502 Draft Ordinance of Marijuana Businesses and associated mapping. If you have any questions regarding I-502, please feel free to contact our office at 509-575-3638.

Union Gap_Marijuana Businesses_DRAFT Ordinance

